Discover How to Say ‘Me Encanta’ in English and Express Your Love in a New Language

5 Formas de expresar “me encanta” en inglés

H3: I love it

Cuando quieres expresar un amor o aprecio fuerte hacia algo o alguien en inglés, la frase “I love it” es una forma común y directa de decir “me encanta”. Esta frase es versátil y se puede usar para expresar gustos personales, como por ejemplo: “I love it when it rains” (me encanta cuando llueve), o para mostrar entusiasmo hacia algo específico, como: “I love it when you smile” (me encanta cuando sonríes).

H3: I’m crazy about it

Otra forma de expresar un gran amor o pasión hacia algo en inglés es utilizando la frase “I’m crazy about it” (estoy loco(a) por eso). Esta expresión indica un nivel extremo de gusto y admiración. Por ejemplo: “I’m crazy about chocolate” (estoy loco(a) por el chocolate) o “I’m crazy about traveling” (estoy loco(a) por viajar).

H3: It’s my favorite

Para enfatizar que algo es tu favorito en particular, puedes utilizar la frase “It’s my favorite” (es mi favorito). Esta expresión demuestra un amor duradero y preferencia por algo en particular. Por ejemplo: “Ice cream is my favorite dessert” (el helado es mi postre favorito) o “This book is my favorite” (este libro es mi favorito).

Expresiones en inglés para expresar amor por algo

When it comes to expressing love for something in English, there are various phrases that can be used to convey your affection and appreciation. Whether it’s for a hobby, a particular activity, or even a favorite food, these expressions can help you capture your emotions:

1. “I’m crazy about…”

This phrase is perfect for expressing intense love or passion for something. For example, you could say, “I’m crazy about photography” or “I’m crazy about chocolate.”

2. “I have a soft spot for…”

When you use this expression, you are indicating that you have a deep affection or fondness for something. You can say, “I have a soft spot for romantic movies” or “I have a soft spot for animals.”

3. “I’m head over heels for…”

This phrase signifies being completely and overwhelmingly in love with something. You can use it to express your strong feelings for a specific person, a band, or even a destination. For instance, you could say, “I’m head over heels for my significant other” or “I’m head over heels for traveling.”

These are just a few expressions in English that can be used to express love for something. Remember, language is a powerful tool that allows us to convey our emotions and connect with others. So, don’t hesitate to use these phrases to show your affection for the things you love!

Cómo decir “me fascina” en inglés y enriquecer tu vocabulario

Si estás buscando enriquecer tu vocabulario en inglés y quieres expresar tu asombro o fascinación por algo, aquí te presentamos algunas alternativas para decir “me fascina” en inglés. Ampliar tu gama de palabras te permitirá comunicarte de manera más efectiva y agregar color a tus conversaciones.

Absolutely love

Una forma intensa de expresar tu fascinación por algo es utilizando la frase “absolutely love”. Esta expresión denota un nivel extremo de gusto y admiración, transmitiendo claramente tu entusiasmo. Por ejemplo, podrías decir: “I absolutely love hiking in the mountains” (Me fascina absolutamente hacer senderismo en las montañas).

Amazed by

Otra opción es utilizar la frase “amazed by”. Esta expresión transmite la idea de estar sorprendido y fascinado a la vez. Por ejemplo, podrías decir: “I am amazed by his artistic talent” (Me fascina y me sorprende su talento artístico).

Enthralled with

Si deseas expresar un nivel aún mayor de fascinación, puedes usar la frase “enthralled with”. Esta expresión implica una gran atracción y fascinación por algo o alguien. Por ejemplo, podrías decir: “I am completely enthralled with the beauty of this city” (Estoy completamente fascinado/a con la belleza de esta ciudad).

Estas son solo algunas alternativas para decir “me fascina” en inglés. Explora diferentes opciones y enriquece tu vocabulario para poder transmitir tus emociones y experiencias de manera más precisa.

Palabras en inglés para expresar una gran pasión por algo


Fire is a powerful word that can be used to express intense passion and enthusiasm for something. When we say that someone has a fire in their belly, it means they have a strong desire and drive to succeed. Similarly, when we talk about being on fire for a particular activity or cause, it means we are fully committed and passionate about it.


Zeal is another word that conveys a great amount of passion. It refers to a strong enthusiasm or fervor for something. When we are zealous about a particular interest or hobby, we dedicate ourselves to it wholeheartedly. Having zeal means being extremely dedicated and willing to go the extra mile to achieve our goals.


Adoration reflects a deep and intense passion for something or someone. It goes beyond mere liking and implies a strong feeling of love, admiration, and devotion. When we adore something, we have an unwavering passion and a profound connection to it. It is a word often used to describe the feeling towards a beloved person, a cherished hobby, or a favorite artist.

Passion is what drives us to greatness. Whether it’s a fiery determination, a zealous pursuit, or an adoration unparalleled, finding words to express our passion is essential to our self-expression and understanding. These English words encapsulate the depth and intensity of emotions that words can barely describe. So the next time you want to convey your immense passion, remember to use words like fire, zeal, and adoration.

Descubre diferentes formas de decir “me gusta mucho” en inglés

1. I love it

If you want to express that you like something very much in English, you can simply say “I love it.” This phrase is commonly used to show strong affection or enjoyment towards a person, thing, or activity.

2. I’m a big fan

If you are a fan of something and really enjoy it, you can use the phrase “I’m a big fan.” This expression is commonly used when expressing enthusiasm or admiration for a particular person, band, movie, or any other thing that you like.

3. It’s amazing

When you find something particularly impressive or astonishing, you can say “It’s amazing.” This phrase emphasizes that you really like something and are in awe of it. It can be used to describe anything from an incredible performance to a delicious dish.

In conclusion, there are several ways to express “me gusta mucho” in English. You can use phrases like “I love it,” “I’m a big fan,” and “It’s amazing” to convey your strong liking or fondness for something. These expressions are commonly used and will help you effectively communicate your enthusiasm in English.

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